References Navigation Element Attributes

AttributeValuesExpanded / UnexpandedDescription
labelTextE,UWords that display above the element in the Edit tab.
readonlytrue, falseUWhen true, element is visible, but grayed out and unable to be modified without permission to modify readonly elements.
hiddentrue, falseUWhen true, hidden from groups without permission to view hidden elements.
requiredtrue, falseUWhen true, the page cannot be checked in without a value in the element.
indexabletrue, falseUWhen true, element is included in the index and is searchable. Default is false.
QueryLocationsRootsxIDE,USpecify one or more locations in the site hierarchy from which to pull choices. Separate multiple xIDs with pipe (|).
IncludeCrossReferencestrue, falseE,UWhen true, brings back references that include this content element.
DepthNumberE,USets the depth of the chained references (0-7).
ReferenceIdsEActual page selected.
NameTextE,UFriendly name.
UIDCharacter stringE,UUnique ID for element.
TypeTextUField identifier.
QuerySchemasSchemaNameE,UFilter out choices from a particular schema or schemas. Separate multiple schemas with pipe (|).
CIIDCharacter stringUContent Unit ID.


References Navigation Element Attributes

Exports are listed as separate elements nested within this element's start and end tags.


References Navigation Element Attributes