Changing Asset Version Retention Settings

Assets take up space in the Cartella environment, so it's a good idea to be mindful of the settings that govern asset retention. Cartella uses two variables to control system behavior as new versions of assets are created: MaxNumberOfAssetVersions and AutoDiscardPreviousVersions.

In determining which asset retention settings are right for your organization, consider the following:

  • Frequency that assets are modified.
  • Availability of administrators to remove older versions.
  • Need for retaining a history of assets.

Assigning a value to MaxNumberOfAssetVersions allows versions of an asset to be retained until the max number is reached. At that time, if AutoDiscardPreviousVersions is set to true, additional versions trigger the automatic deletion of the oldest asset versions. Setting AutoDiscardPreviousVersions to false blocks the creation of new assets past the value set in MaxNumberOfAssetVersions until an administrator removes older versions.

To change asset retention settings:
  1. Navigate to [Site_Root].
  2. Open Cartella.config in a text editor.
  3. Within <AssetSettings>, locate the <add> elements with the @name value of MaxNumberOfAssetVersions and the @name value of AutoDiscardPreviousVersions.
        <!-- Value represents how many versions can be held per asset. -->
        <add name="MaxNumberOfAssetVersions" value="20" />
        <!-- If true, system discards previous versions, automatically. 
             If false, versions fill to value specified in MaxNumberOfAssetVersions and system will not
    		 add versions until number of previous versions are reduced. Default is true. -->
        <add name="AutoDiscardPreviousVersions" value="true" />
  4. Optional: If you would like to change the maximum number of asset versions allowed, provide a new number in the @value field of the <add> element, where the @name value is MaxNumberOfAssetVersions.
    The default value is 20.
    You can choose to keep all earlier versions by setting MaxNumberOfAssetVersions to a null value. Doing so means that the system never deletes a version of an asset, and the AutoDiscardPreviousVersions variable is ignored.
    <add name="MaxNumberOfAssetVersions" value="" />
  5. Optional: If you would like to change the way previous versions are discarded, then adjust the @value field of the <add> element, where the @name value is AutoDiscardPreviousVersions. The allowable options are true and false.
    Default is true.
    • If true, Cartella discards the oldest versions, automatically, once the MaxNumberOfAssetVersions has been reached.
    • If false, when the value specified in MaxNumberOfAssetVersions has been reached, Cartella will not add more versions until an administrator removes previous versions, manually.
  6. Save Cartella.config.

Next Steps: Recycle the Cartella site application pool in IIS in order for your changes to take effect, immediately.