Creating and Configuring Workstates


Create workstates to identify tasks, sets of tasks, or status in the workflow.

To create a workstate and add it to workflow:
  1. Navigate to Administration > Workflows Designer.
  2. Select the appropriate workflow from the list.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Click New in the Workstates area of the workspace view.

    New Workstate

    The Create New Workstate dialog displays.
  5. Enter values in the following fields:
    NameFriendly name of the workstate.
    Description (optional)Details about the workstate.
    ActiveIf selected, content items moved to this workstate display in user Assignments. If cleared, content items moved to this workstate don't display in user Assignments.
    Additional Information

    The Active checkbox specifies if the workstate requires action (active) or no action (inactive). For example, a workstate called "Published" may apply to pages that are marked for publish and require no further action. Clearing the workstate's Active checkbox ensures that published content items don't display in users' assignment lists.

    Workstates with the cleared Active checkbox display as shaded in the Workflows Designer workspace view.

    Inactive vs. Active Workstates

    Create New Workstate Dialog

  6. Click Save. The workstate displays in the Workstates area.

    Add Workstate to Workflow

  7. Optional: Hover over the workstate and click the Add Workstate to Workflow icon. The workstate displays in the Designing Workflow area.

    Added Workstate to Workflow

    Additional Information
    Administrators can only add one of each workstate to each workflow. The first workstate added to the workflow becomes the start node. The Initial transition automatically associates with the start node. This transition assigns the content item entering the workflow to the initial group.

  8. Optional: If the workflow only has one workstate, add another workstate to the workflow. Transitions send content items from one workstate to another.

Task Troubleshooting:

To save the workflow, the workflow requires at least one workstate. If the workflow has multiple workstates, all workstates require cohesive transitions before saving.

Next Steps: Create transitions to move between workstates.