Unmarking Pages for Publish

Prerequisites: Administrators must provide users with publish marking permissions or administrator permissions. See Creating Groups for details.

The unmark-for-publish action tells the CMS to not publish unmarked content items and site folders. When content items and site folders are unmarked for publish, the CMS doesn't publish those items, no matter if the items are checked in and or if publishes are executed.

If users unmark content items and then execute a publish and replication, the DSS server reflects the "unmarked status" of these items. The DSS treats any requests to these unmarked items, either by xID or by URL, as content that doesn't exist and returns a 404 error message (This error message indicates the client can communicate with a given server, but the server can't find the requested page.). This response occurs no matter if the xID files still exist in the replication target.

The Mark/Unmark for Publish UI differs depending on your CMS site version. Follow the steps that correspond with your version.

CMS 10.6 Steps

To unmark a content item for publish:
  1. Navigate to Site > Site Tree.
  2. Choose one of the following steps.
    • Select the content item in the Site Tree, and select the Mark/Unmark for Publish button in the item's Edit tab toolbar.

      The Mark/Unmark for Publish button drop-down menu displays.

      Mark for Publish via Edit Tab Toolbar

    • Right-click the content item in the Site Tree, and hover your cursor over the Mark/Unmark for Publish option in the context menu.

      The Mark/Unmark for Publish submenu displays.

      Publish via Context Menu

  3. Choose one of the following menu options.
    Mark/Unmark for Publish > PageUnmarks the selected content item for publish.
    For the Site Tree context menu, if the selected content item doesn't have children, then the Mark/Unmark for Publish option displays without the submenu.
    Mark/Unmark for Publish > Page and ChildrenUnmarks the selected content item and its descendants for publish (children, grandchildren, etc.).
    The Change Content Publish Marking dialog displays.
  4. Unmark content items from particular publishing targets by selecting each target's respective remove (X) button in the Targets to Mark column.

    Publish via Context Menu

    Select X Unmark All Targets to unmark the content items from all publishing targets.

    Publish via Context Menu

    The CMS removes the cleared publishing targets from Targets to Mark column, indicating that the content items are no longer marked for those targets.
  5. Select Confirm Publish Marking.
    Unmarking a page for publish does not remove the file from the DSS. The "unmarked" status tells the CMS server not to copy the file into the publishing target that will be copied to the DSS. This also tells the navigations on the CMS server to stop displaying links to the unmarked page. However, a copy of the unmarked page still resides on the DSS.

CMS 10.0–10.5 Steps

To unmark a page for publish:
  1. Navigate to Site > Site Tree.
  2. Choose one of the following steps.
    • Select the content item in the Site Tree, and select the Mark/Unmark for Publish button in the item's Edit tab toolbar.

      The Mark/Unmark for Publish button drop-down menu displays.

      Mark for Publish via Edit Tab Toolbar

    • Right-click the content item in the Site Tree, and hover your cursor over the Mark/Unmark for Publish option in the context menu.

      The Mark/Unmark for Publish submenu displays.

      Publish via Context Menu

  3. Choose one of the following menu options.
    Mark/Unmark for Publish > PageUnmarks the selected content item for publish.
    For the Site Tree context menu, if the selected content item doesn't have children, then the Mark/Unmark for Publish option displays without the submenu.
    Mark/Unmark for Publish > Page and ChildrenUnmarks the selected content item and its descendants for publish (children, grandchildren, etc.).
    The Mark/Unmark pages for publish dialog displays.
  4. Unmark from particular publishing targets by clearing each target's respective checkbox in the Marked for Publish column.
  5. Unmark content items from particular publishing targets by selecting each target's respective remove (X) button in the Targets to Mark column.

    Mark for Publish

  6. Select OK.
    Unmarking a page for publish does not remove the file from the DSS. It tells the CMS server not to copy the file into the publishing target that will be copied to the DSS. It also tells the navigations on the CMS server to stop displaying links to the unmarked page. However, a copy of the unmarked page still resides on the DSS.