Multi-Select Element Attributes

Schema Designer presets four variants of the Multi-Select element.

Attributes Common to All Multi-Select ElementstypeTextField identifier.
UIDCharacter stringUnique identifier.
labelTextWords that display above the element in the Edit tab.
readonlytrue, falseWhen true, element is visible, but grayed out and unable to be modified without permission to modify read-only elements.
hiddentrue, falseWhen true, hidden from groups without permission to view hidden elements.
requiredtrue, falseWhen true, the page cannot be checked in without a value in the element.
indexabletrue, falseWhen true, element is included in the index and is searchable. Default is false.
defaultselected valuePresets the element with a specific value on page creation. Set more than one choice with a pipe-delimited list. The value(s) can be overwritten in the Edit tab.
PageSizenumberSets the number of choices listed per page in the choice selection dialog.
MaxChoicesnumberSets the number of options that can be selected from the given choices. If a user attempts to select more than the allowable value, a message pops up reading: "This field only allows up to [MaxChoices] choices".
CIIDCharacter stringContent Unit ID.
Hard-CodedValuesChoice1|Choice2|Choice3|Choice4|Choice5Specifies the list of options from which a user can select choices. The list must be pipe-delimited.
DBQueryDSNDSNDefine the data source name (DSN) used to access the specified database.
SQLselect Column1 from dataDefine a select statement returning one or more columns from a database.
CMS node setQuery_PageTypeSchema NameDetermines the type of page or component to be included in the result set.
Query_LocationRootxIDDetermines the location in the Site tree from which items should be retrieved.
Query_SelectedFields@Name|@IDDetermines which fields in the items should be returned as the selector's result set value. Use a pipe character to add multiple attributes.
AdditionalFilter_XPathQueryXPath queryAllows the element to filter results based on an XPath query.
External Scripting(External Scripting attributes are defined in the "Common to All" section above.)

Multi-Select Element Attributes

The expanded and unexpanded XML are identical.