Setting DITA Advanced Options

Access DITA Advanced Options to determine the following settings:

  • Allowed duration before an idle DITA-OT transformation times out.
  • Maximum amount of DITA-OT temp folders and logs the system can store.
  • Maximum amount of preview cache folders the system can store.

  • Whether to run path-to-ID conversions for peer-scoped references.

  • Whether enable the Oxygen Desktop Plugin Web Launcher for DITA users.

DITA administrators can choose to change these settings or maintain the default CMS settings.

To define DITA Advanced Options:

  1. Navigate to Administration > DITA > Setup.
  2. Select Edit Options in the DITA Advanced Options header.

    The DITA Advanced Options area expands.

    DITA Advanced Options

  3. Modify one or more of the following fields to suit your needs.
    FieldDefault ValueDescription

    DITA-OT Invoke Timeout


    Controls the duration (in minutes) that the DITA-OT invoke command can run before termination. If the DITA-OT command does not finish within the specified timeout duration, the CMS will terminate the command and throw an error.

    Temp Folders/Logs to Keep


    This option determines the maximum number of temporary folders to retain before the CMS removes the oldest ones.

    DITA-OT logs reside in temporary folders.

    Preview Caches to Keep


    This option determines the maximum number of preview cache folders to retain before the CMS removes the oldest ones.

    Skip path-to-ID conversion for peer-scoped references checkbox


    If selected, the DITA-OT will skip path-to-ID conversion for peer-scoped references during CMS DITA upload and DITA-OT processes. This means that DITA-OT builds will not attempt to resolve direct or indirect references at build time when scope="peer".

    If cleared, the system assumes these references will be valid at runtime.

    If this checkbox is cleared and you have peer-scoped references that will not be valid upon upload or runtime, the system will throw errors.

    Allow invoking Oxygen Desktop XML Author for DITA editing checkbox


    If selected, users can access the Oxygen Desktop Plugin Web Launcher feature to open CMS DITA content in Oxygen XML Editor.

    Additional Information
    This setting only applies to CMS implementations with the Oxygen Desktop Plugin configured.

    See Creating and Modifying DITA Topics for details about DITA authoring tools that can integrate with the CMS.

    If your organization uses the Oxygen Desktop Plugin, see CMS 10.6 Opening Oxygen via Web Launcher for details about the Web Launcher feature.

Next Steps:

If not already installed, then install your preferred DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) version for the CMS. The DITA publishing pipeline requires the DITA-OT installation to run DITA publish and preview transformation processes.