Search Navigation Reference

The following table includes element descriptions for both the local and remote schemas. The table's description indicates if the element is exclusive to either the local or remote version.

If a text field requires multiple values, comma delimit the items.
Schema ElementDescription
Expand Global VariablesBoolean.
Search Scope DefinitionGroup Element
Site NameSets the Site profile name in Search.config. If you define multiple search profiles in Search.config and set the Site Name value explicitly, then this DEX Search Component only executes searches against the defined profile.

This element is nested within the Search Scope Definition group element.

Search SourcesSets the source name that are included within the profile.

This element is nested within the Search Scope Definition group element.

Category IDsInsert numeric category IDs that you want to be included in the search (e.g., 45,95).
TypesInsert the schema types that you want to be included in the search (e.g., detail,home).
LocalesInsert the locales that you want to be included in the search. The values are locale IDs (e.g., en-us, pt-br), as they exist in the Worldview configuration for defined locales in the CMS. If defined on the component, this parameter is treated as another dimension filter, if there are multiple lingual roots within a defined ancestor root xID.
Group By StructureBoolean. This feature affects lists and groups within pages and components. It structures grouped content, whose tags had been displayed in the returned result as "flattened out" concatenations (e.g., RelatedPhotos__Related_1 tag). Note: The indexer adds two underscores ("__") between each element node to create the new index field name. If true, the resulting XML displays as properly nested markup. For backwards compatibility, this feature is disabled.
FilteringGroup Element
Allowed AncestorsAllows you to limit search to a branch within the Site Tree.

This element is nested within the Filtering group element.

Exclusion Roots xID and its children will not be included in search results. This parameter may be particularly used to exclude sibling locale sites so that search results only include a particular language/locale. This value can be multiple xIDs.

This element is nested within the Filtering group element.

Fields to return By default, all fields in the index are returned. You can identify specific fields to be returned by listing them (e.g., Title,BodyCopy).

This element is nested within the Filtering group element.

Facet LogicsGroup Element
Category Facet internal logic

Allows you to define the relationship among categories.


  • SHOULD: Any category can match search criteria. (This is equivalent to the or operator.)
  • MUST: All categories must match search criteria. (This is equivalent to the and operator.)
  • MUST_NOT: No category can match. MUST_NOT is exclusionary. That is, the selected categories must not have an association with the returned page; however, the page must have other associations to be returned (e.g., The page meets Type or Locales criteria before it is excluded by MUST_NOT.)

This element is nested within the Facet Logics group element.

Cross Facets logic

In this context, the facets are Category IDs, Types, and Locales.


  • SHOULD: Any matching facet that meets the search criteria returns to hit in search results.
  • MUST: (Default) Search criteria must meet all three facets to return a hit in search results.

This element is nested within the Facet Logics group element.

Include Categorization StatsBoolean. If true, search results include number of associations for each category.
Include Types StatsBoolean. If true, search results include number of hits per page type.
AdvancedGroup Element.
Page SizeInteger. Defines the number of returned hits within the search page.

This element is nested within the Advanced group element.

Field to SortYou can define the field to sort the returned results.

This element is nested within the Advanced group element.

Sort ascendinglyThe result set is sorted in ascending order.

This element is nested within the Advanced group element.

Additional Facets for StatsWhen you insert an element name in this field, the query returns the number of times that the string value of the element matches. This feature could be used to find duplicate field values.

This element is nested within the Advanced group element.

Number of top facet terms to returnInteger. Sets the of top facets returned within the search page. The default value is 50 items.

This element is nested within the Advanced group element.