CMS 10.6 Importing Synonyms

If your organization configured the synonyms.xml file to include in a previous Ingeniux CMS version, administrators can import this file into CMS 10.6. Once imported, the new synonym list displays in the Custom Synonyms tab.

To import synonyms.xml in CMS 10.6:
  1. Navigate to Administration > InSite Search > Synonyms.
  2. Select the Import synonyms.xml in the Custom Synonyms tab.

    Import synonyms.xml

    A dialog displays where you can upload synonyms.xml.

    Import Synonyms XML Dialog

  3. Click to browse for synonyms.xml, or drag synonyms.xml from your file system.
    The synonyms.xml file resides in [Drive]:[path-to-CMS root-directory]\site\App_Data\pub\staging\settings via your CMS installation after the system executes a publish.
  4. Select Upload.
  5. Select Close when the upload process completes. The collection of synonym sets displays in the Custom Synonyms tab.
    Now you can continue to add to or edit the synonyms list in the Custom Synonyms tab.