Dynamic Execute Element Attributes

ComExecute provides a mechanism to import data into a page. Generally, these elements are pre-populated by the site designer and should not be edited without guidance from the site designer.

TypeTextField identifier.
NameTextFriendly name.
UIDCharacter stringUnique identifier for element.
labelTextWords that display above the element in the Edit tab.
readonlytrue, falseWhen true, element is visible, but grayed out and unable to be modified without permission to modify read-only elements.
hiddentrue, falseWhen true, hidden from groups without permission to view hidden elements.
requiredtrue, falseWhen true, the page cannot be checked in without a value in the element.
indexabletrue, falseWhen true, element is included in the index and is searchable. Default is false.
schemaSchemaNameDefines the settings used by the Windows COM+ based ComExecute component.
EditFormTextName of form.
CIIDCharacter stringContent Unit ID.

Dynamic Execute Element Attributes