Rebuilding Automated Tasks in Visual Studio

  • Recycle the application pool in order for the CMS site instance to rebuild the Automated Tasks assembly.

    The CMS site instance holds onto the Automated Tasks assembly when it's first invoked, so you must recycle the site's application pool to rebuild the Automated Tasks solution.

The Automated_Task_Standard_Operations project is a component of the API Extensions Development harness. You must rebuild the harness before using further configuration of automated tasks.

To rebuild the harness solution containing the automated tasks project:
  1. Navigate to [path-to-cms-site-instance]\App_Data\xml\Custom.
  2. Open API_Extensions_Development_Harness.sln, in Visual Studio.
  3. In the Solution Explorer, right-click API_Extensions_Development_Harness and select Manage NuGet Packages.
  4. Verify that all NuGet packages are up-to-date in Visual Studio.
  5. If there are out-of-date or missing packages, click Restore to download the necessary packages.
  6. Right-click the top level of the solution.
  7. Click Clean Solution then Rebuild Solution.
  8. Close Visual Studio.
  9. Recycle the CMS application pool in IIS. This loads the application into the CMS.

Task Troubleshooting: If you received errors while attempting to rebuild the solution, stop the CMS application pool, rebuild the solution, then restart the CMS application pool.

Next Steps:

See Editing Automated Task Framework's web.config file.