Authoring and Editing DITA Content

As a best practice, we recommend that users always edit DITA content in text editors that provide validation checks. Editing DITA content in text editors without validation increases the user's risk of introducing new content errors.

The CMS integrates with the following XML editors for a seamless authoring experience:

Ace Editor

The standard code editor provided for text-based assets (XML and non-XML) within the CMS. Access this editor in the Edit tab of the Assets Manager. The Ace editor automatically runs validation to ensure all elements contain opening and closing tags and to verify dependencies.


For XML-specific authoring and validation tools, see the other available integrated editors.

Oxygen XML Editor and Oxygen Desktop Plugin
This desktop XML editor benefits customers who require the full compliment of authoring and development tools and customers who prefer to work closely with the DITA markup. From Oxygen XML Editor, writers use the Oxygen Desktop Plugin to connect to the CMS Assets Manager for a tightly-integrated authoring experience.
Oxygen XML Web Author
A web-based XML editor that resides within the CMS Assets Manager. After setup, access the Oxygen XML Web Author interface in the Authoring tab for assets. This editor provides a user-friendly experience and may benefit customers who do not require the full suite of authoring and development tools of its desktop cousin, Oxygen XML Editor.
Fonto Editor
A highly configurable WYSIWYG structured-content editor with a clean user interface similar to Microsoft Word. Fonto displays directly within the CMS Assets Manager as an integrated tab for DITA assets. After setup, writers check out DITA assets and begin working on DITA content from the Authoring tab.