CMS 10.6 Creating the Presentation in the Container

  • Administrators must complete the prerequisites to enable user access to the Design tab. See Page Builder Prerequisites for details.
  • Ensure the container doesn't hold an existing presentation. If a presentation exists, then users must delete the presentation. Users can only build one presentation per page. See CMS 10.6 Deleting Presentations for details to remove an existing presentation.

In Ingeniux CMS 10.6, users can select containers based on <div> tags to use as design-ready elements. If the page doesn't hold a presentation, the Containers accordion menu option provides a list of potential containers to hold your presentation layer, and the Design tab workspace visually displays the container blocks on the page.

Users can only select and confirm one container for the presentation. Confirming a container hides all other container blocks. Users can delete the presentation to select or view a different container.

To create a presentation within a container:
  1. Navigate to Site > Site Tree.
  2. Select or create the page with the design view you want to edit.
  3. Check out the page, and select the Design tab.
    The Design tab workspace and accordion menu displays.

    Design Workspace and Design Presentation Pane

  4. Optional: You can view the list of available containers in the Containers section of the accordion menu and view the containers visually in the Design tab workspace.

    Available containers display in the Containers accordion pane. Each container represents a <div> element within the page. The @id value associated with the <div> element identifies the container, and the @id displays as the container name in the list.

    If you select a container in the Containers accordion pane, the Design tab workspace navigates to the selected container block and visually highlights (in blue) the container with a border (dark blue). You can only select one container at a time.

    Selected Container


    If a particular container does not display in the list and if the page view uses a responsive design that determines when the container displays, you may need to trigger the page's responsive design by resizing the Design tab workspace.

    After triggering the responsive design, select Refresh in the Design tab toolbar to display the container in the list and workspace.

  5. Choose a container to hold your presentation. Select the Create Presentation button associated with in your chosen container.
    The Create Presentation dialog displays.
  6. Complete the following fields, and select Create Presentation when you finish.
    Presentation NameEnter the name of your presentation.
    Description (optional)Provide notes for your presentation.
    The Design tab workspace displays the container name and a grid canvas to work with in your selected container, and the Design accordion menu option expands.

    Selected Container

  7. Save changes when you finish by selecting Save in the Design tab toolbar.
    Always save after making Page Builder presentation changes. Otherwise, the system will not preserve your new changes.

Next Steps: Add Layouts to the presentation.