Text Searches Return No Results
If search results aren't returning for text queries, try one or more of the following remedies to resolve the issue.
Searches performed during or prior to index setup return
no results. Depending on site size and hardware, it could take a few minutes for the index
to complete, but in most cases, it takes less time than that. While the index is building,
the same queries could return different results as more data is added to the
Indexing Disabled
You must enable indexing in order for search to work.
To enable indexing:
Indexing Not Generated
You may have run a query against the Lucene indexes that did not return the result set that you expect. It is possible that your data was not indexed or not indexed properly.
Stop words are those that are excluded from searches to help index pages
faster. The following list contains Lucene stop words: a, an, and, are, as, at, be, but,
by, for, if, in, into, is, it, no, not, of, on, or, such, that, the, their, then, there,
these, they, this, to, was, will, with.
If your data is not indexing, try re-indexing with the following steps:
Incorrect Paths
If you are not getting any results back from a known query, there are several paths that you should verify to be sure that they are correct.
Verify the following paths: