Ingeniux AI System Usage Requirements

Use the Ingeniux AI System to generate initial content drafts and to enhance existing content. Text-based elements on site pages and components provide access to the generative AI tool.

The following sections outline required tasks for CMS administrators to complete before users can work with the Ingeniux AI system.

Initial AI System Configuration

CMS 10.6 provides capabilities to integrate Ingeniux CMS with external modules, including the Ingeniux AI System. The CMS requires system administrators to set up and configure the Ingeniux AI System external module before users can access the tool.

See Ingeniux AI System Configuration for details to configure the Ingeniux AI System external module.

Version Notes: CMS 10.6
The external modules framework is only available for CMS 10.6. See CMS Statistics to check your site version.

AI System Toggle Switch

Administrators can enable and disable the AI system via the application settings toggle switch. When the switch is set to off, the Ingeniux AI System tool becomes disabled for users.

Ensure that the toggle switch is set to on (i.e., enabled). See Configuring AI App for details.

Page and Component Schema Requirements

Users can access the AI system tool within text-based elements on site pages and components, including:

For users to access the AI system tool on content items, add the plain text or XHTML editor element to the schema associated with the page or component. Ensure the element's correlating Read-only checkbox is cleared. Otherwise, the selected Read-only checkbox makes the elements uneditable, which in turn makes the AI system tool inaccessible.

See Page Schemas for details to create a new page schema or edit an existing one.

See Component Schemas for details to create a new component schema or edit an existing one.

Plain text and XHTML editor fields provide the AI Content Generation Help Text attribute, where administrators can enter custom text. Content contributors can view this help text as they use the AI tool to generate content for respective element values.

In-Context Editing Requirements (Optional)

Users can access the AI system tool on plain text and XHTML editor fields in In-Context Editing (ICE) mode. If your organization's CMS implementation provides In-Context Editing (ICE) capabilities and the AI system tool for users, ensure that system administrators complete all development requirements (specifically for plain text and XHTML editor elements) and CMS 10.6 ICE prerequisites. Outside of standard ICE setup, the AI system does not require additional ICE configurations for users to access AI tools in this edit mode.

See CMS 10.6 Configuring and Rendering In-Context Editing (ICE) Content for development requirements.

See CMS 10.6 In-Context Editing (ICE) for prerequisites.

AI System Group Permissions

Users require permissions to access the AI system tool on plain text and XHTML editor elements. Administrators can also provide users with permissions to manage the AI system application.

Review the permissions necessary for accessing the AI system.

AI Authoring and Editing Permissions

Users require group access permissions via the AI application settings, and they require standard page and Site Tree group permissions and to use the AI system tool on text-based elements.

App Group Permissions

Ensure users belong to at least one of the groups listed in the Permissions section of the AI application settings.

See Configuring AI App for details to modify the app Permissions section group list.

See Adding Users to Groups for details to add users to groups.

CMS Group Permissions

Users require group permissions to access and pages in the Site > Site Tree.

See Creating Groups for details to set user group permissions.

Users require the following group permissions in to edit content with the AI system tool:

Permissions on page manipulations: Assigns or removes the following block of permissions related to modifying pages.

  • Allowed to edit pages: Enables group members to edit existing pages assigned to the current user.
  • Allowed to delete pages: Enables group members to delete pages.
  • Allowed to check-in pages assigned to others: Enables group members to check in pages that are currently assigned to another user.
  • Allowed to rollback changes: Enables group members to rollback to a prior version of the page.
  • Allowed to assign pages not assigned to them to others: Enables group members to assign pages to other users, even though these pages are not currently assigned to the group members.
  • Allowed to create pages: Enables group members to create a new page via page creation rules or page types depending upon which additional permissions are selected.
  • Allowed to create new pages using page types: Enables group members to create new pages by specifying the page type (as opposed to using page creation rules)
  • Allowed to check-in and check-out pages outside of workflow: Enables group members to check in or check out pages that are not a part of a workflow. Groups with this permission can also check in or check out pages inside a workflow.

Permissions on page content viewing and manipulations: Assigns or removes the following block of permissions related to viewing and modifying pages.

  • Allowed to edit the layout attribute on pages: Enables group members to change the default style sheet applied to the current page.
  • Allowed to edit password elements: Enables group members to edit password elements.
  • Allowed to view elements marked as "hidden" in Edit Form: Enables group members to view hidden elements in the edit form.
  • Allowed to add words to dictionary during spellcheck: Enables group members to add words to the default dictionary during a spell check.
  • Allowed to see Edit Form for page edit: Enables group members to access the edit form.
  • Allowed to see page history: Enables group members to see the page's workflow history information.
  • Allowed to view XML tab: Enables group members to access the XML tab in order to review XML corresponding to a specific page or component.
  • Allowed to embed and unembed component fields: Enables group members to embed components within components.

Permissions on site tree manipulations: Assigns or removes the following block of permissions related to modifying the Site Tree.

  • Allowed to reorder pages in the site tree: Enables group members to move pages assigned to them, provided that the group has full access to the beginning and ending locations of the pages in the Site Tree.
  • Allowed to see the tree: Enables group members to view the site tree in the CMS client.
  • Allowed to reorder pages in the tree that are assigned to others: Enables group members to relocate pages assigned to other users. If group members with this permission have full access to the beginning and ending location of a given page in the Site Tree, they can move another user's page to a new location in the Site Tree.

AI App Administrator Permissions

Administrators can provide individual user groups with permissions to manage the AI system application.

When editing user groups, add the following permission from the Miscellaneous section:

  • Allowed to see Apps pane: Enables group members to access the Apps pane.
Administrators can also provide users with the Allowed to manage schemas permission from the Miscellaneous section to enable users to edit page schemas with elements that will provide the AI system tool.

Get Started with AI System

See Creating and Editing Content with AI for details to use the AI system tool after fulfilling all AI usage requirements.

After initial configuration, the Generate or Enhance content AI button Generate or Enhance Content with AI Icon does not initially display on plain text and XHTML editor elements. Check out the site content item, select Refresh in the Edit tab toolbar, and then re-expand the element to display the button.