Move Alias Structures via Drag Action

Prerequisites: Users must have the following group permissions:
  • Site content item and asset item authoring permissions.
  • Alias management permissions.

Users can move alias structures by dragging and dropping them in the Site Tree.
To move an alias structure within the Site Tree via the drag action:
  1. Navigate to Assets > Assets Tree.
  2. Select the Site Tree icon in the utility bar.
    The Site Tree utility pane displays.
  3. Select and drag the top-level alias of the alias structure you want to move in the Site Tree.
    The CMS permanently groups aliases within the generated alias structure, which prevents moving individual aliases out of the structure. In other words, when you move the alias structure, the aliases move as a single object.

    Alias Structure in Site Tree

  4. Choose one of the following steps when dragging the top-level alias to the new location within the Site Tree.
    • To make the alias structure a direct child of a site content item, drop the alias structure when a border displays around the parent content item.
    • To make the alias structure a sibling of a site content item, drop the alias structure when a line displays next to the content item.
    The alias structure moves from the original location to the new one.
    If you experience difficulty moving alias structures, keep the following in mind:
    • Alias structures reside under site content items (pages and components) and folders only. The CMS prevents alias structures from becoming direct children of the site root and other alias structures.
    • The Site Tree can contain alias structure instances generated from the same DITA asset. However, the CMS prevents duplicate alias structures from residing in the same Site Tree location.