Deleting Aliases via Site Tree

Users can delete aliases directly from the Site Tree. The CMS permanently deletes DITA aliases without moving them to the recycle folder.

These aliases cannot be recovered.

To delete an alias structure via the Site Tree context menu:

  1. Navigate to Site > Site Tree.
  2. Right-click the top-level alias of the alias structure in Site Tree, and select Delete in the context menu.

    Alias Structure in Site Tree

    The Delete Alias dialog displays.
    The CMS permanently groups aliases within the generated alias structure, preventing the deletion of individual aliases in those structures. In other words, the alias structure operates as a single unit. You can only delete the alias structure and not individual aliases within the structure.
  3. Select Delete to confirm the alias structure deletion.
    The DITA aliases generate under the parent site content item or folder. The aliases mirror the hierarchical structure defined within the DITA map.