Installing CMS 10.6 Connector Add-on

  • System administrators must install the CMS 10.6 Oxygen Web Service for the Ingeniux CMS site instance. See Installing CMS 10.6 Oxygen Web Service for details.
  • CMS content contributors must install Oxygen XML Editor 23.1+ on their authoring client(s). See the Oxygen XML Editor website for details.
    For MacOS Oxygen XML Editor installations, the Ingeniux CMS Connector add-on requires the Oxygen XML Editor/Author/Developer folder to reside directly under the Applications folder. The connector add-on also requires,, and to reside within the Oxygen XML Editor/Author/Developer folder.

The Oxygen Desktop Plugin requires each CMS content contributor who will use the plugin to install the Ingeniux CMS Connector add-on in their Oxygen XML Editor 23.1+ application. After installation, users can check for and install subsequent updates to the Ingeniux CMS Connector plugin.

To install the Ingeniux CMS Connector add-on for the Oxygen Desktop Plugin:
  1. Open the Oxygen XML Web Editor application.
  2. Navigate to Help > Install new add-ons... in the Oxygen XML Editor toolbar.

    Help > Install new add-ons...

    The Install new add-ons dialog displays.

    Install new add-ons Dialog

  3. Copy and paste the following URL in the Show add-ons from field:
    Oxygen Desktop Plugin Feed URL
    The Ingeniux CMS Connector add-on displays in the list.

    Select IngeniuxCMSConnector Add-on

  4. Select the Ingeniux CMS Connector add-on, and select Next.
  5. If a Security confirmation message displays, select Allow or Allow and remember to grant the system permission to connect with the host URL.
    We recommend clicking Allow and remember. This way, you only have to grant permissions once and not for each subsequent version update.
  6. Accept the license agreements in the License and Signature tabs by selecting the I accept all terms of the end user license agreements checkbox.

    Ingeniux CMS Connector Add-on End User License Agreement

  7. Select Install.
    The add-on installs to your system, and the Add-ons dialog displays.
  8. Select OK, and restart the Oxygen XML Editor application to apply the add-on install changes.
  9. Open the Oxygen XML Editor.
    The UI now displays the following:
    • new options (i.e., the Check Out, Check In, and Insert Topic Reference buttons) in the application's toolbar.

      Oxygen XML Editor to Ingeniux CMS Plugin Tools

    • the Ingeniux CMS pane.
    • the Ingeniux DITA References pane.

Next Steps:

When subsequent Ingeniux CMS Connector add-on updates become available, see Installing Add-on Updates for details to update the add-on to the latest version.
Choose one of the following next steps based on your machine and configuration plans.