Copying Pages

Prerequisites: CMS administrators must grant permissions to users before users can duplicate content items in the Site Tree. See User Group Permissions Reference for details and other permission options.

You can copy content items (i.e., pages, components, or folders) in the Site Tree. When copying a content item, the CMS makes a duplicate of that content item and then assigns a new xID to the duplicate.

By pressing the Ctrl key when dragging a page, users can switch from the move action to the copy action. Users can also copy pages to a new location via the Site Tree context menu.

To copy a page in the Site Tree:
  1. Navigate to Site > Site Tree.
  2. Select the page to copy in the Site Tree.
  3. Choose one of the following processes:
    • Drag the page to copy.

      1. Press the Ctrl key.
      2. Drag the page to where you want a copy of it to reside in the Site Tree.

        You can copy the page to the location between two existing pages (i.e., as a sibling), or you can drop the copied page on to a target page. In the latter case, the copied page becomes a child of the target page.

        • To scroll up or down while dragging a page, hover the page over the top or bottom edge of the Site Tree.
        • You can select more than one page to drag by using the lasso tool. To lasso pages, click and drag your mouse to create the lasso, then encompass all the pages within your lasso. Release the mouse when all pages have been contained.

        Drag to Copy Page

        The copied page displays in the target location.

    • Copy and paste the page via the context menu.

      1. Right-click the page, and select Copy in the context menu.
        You can select more than one page to copy by pressing the CTRL+Click or the CTRL+Shift+Click shortcut keys.

        Context Menu: Copy

      2. Right-click the target page, and select Paste in the context menu. 

        Context Menu: Paste

        The copied page becomes a child of the target page.

        Alternatively, you can use the Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) shortcut keys to achieve the same results.
      3. Optional: If the copied page doesn't immediately display, then refresh the Site Tree.

After copying the page to the new location, keep the following in mind:

  • The xID for the duplicate page will differ from the original page because the duplicate page needs a unique identifier that distinguishes it from the original.
  • The CMS will automatically check in the duplicate page.
  • The CMS will not mark the duplicate page for publish, no matter if the original is marked. This ensures that the CMS will not prematurely publish the duplicate page.


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