Setting Publishing Target Security


Administrators can configure security settings on a group-by-group basis for a given publishing target. Removing security permissions from user groups prevents members from viewing or accessing the publishing target in Ingeniux CMS site areas (e.g., Site Tree, Page Builder).

If individual groups lack access to a publishing target, then those groups don't have access to publishing profiles associated with that publishing target.

To set publishing target security:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Publishing System > Publishing Targets.
  2. Select the appropriate publishing target from the Managing Publishing Targets list.
  3. Click the Security tab.
    User groups with access to the selected publishing target display.
    By default, all user groups have access to each publishing target. Keep in mind that if all groups have access to the publishing target, the CMS automatically grants the same access to groups created post saving the publishing target. If not all groups have access, then the publishing target requires administrators to add new groups manually.

    Publishing Target Security

  4. Choose one of the following steps:
    • Grant publishing target access to the user group(s).

      1. Click the Add User Group plus (+) button in the top-right corner of the Security tab.
      2. Select user groups to add in the dialog that displays.
        Keep the following in mind:
        • Use Ctrl+Shift or Ctrl+Click to select multiple groups.
        • You can use the search field with the Filter and Clear buttons to find specific available groups.

        Add User Groups Dialog

      3. Click Add.

        The groups display in the Security tab.

      4. Click Close to exit the dialog.
    • Remove publishing target access from the user group(s).

      1. Select the user group(s) to remove in the list. Use Ctrl+Shift or Ctrl+Click to select multiple groups.
      2. Click the Remove User Group minus (-) button in the top-right corner of the Security tab.

        The CMS removes the groups from the Security tab.

  5. Click Save in the top-right corner of the Manage Publishing Targets pane.