Fonto Templates

When creating new documents in Fonto, the editor prompts you to select a template from the DITA Root folder in the CMS Assets Manager. To create DITA assets successfully with Fonto, make sure to upload templates beforehand.

Fonto accesses templates from the Templates folder directly under your DITA Root folder (i.e., the DITA Root Asset Folder specified in Administration > DITA). You can add default templates or add your own templates to this folder at any time.

To upload the default templates .zip, follow the steps below. This package includes templates for creating basic DITA topics, maps, and other document types. If you want to create your own templates, keep the following in mind:

  • Ensure all templates reside in the designated Templates folder under the DITA Root folder.
  • As a best practice, we recommend not adding an @id value to the root element of the template. The @id value will carry over to the newly created asset.
    If you edit a template in Fonto, the editor automatically autogenerates an @id on the root element. Ensure you manually remove this @id manually outside of Fonto by using the template's Edit tab in the CMS Assets Manager.
  • You can add placeholder text to templates by wrapping the text in the <fontoxml-text-placeholder> processing instruction element.
To upload the default templates:
  1. Download to your machine.
  2. Navigate to Assets > Asset Tree in the CMS.
  3. Choose one of the following steps:
    • If a Templates folder already exists in the DITA Root folder, click the existing folder.
    • If a Templates folder has not been created yet, click the DITA Root folder.
  4. Click New > Create New AssetNew Drop-down Button in the folder's Overview tab.
  5. Drag to the upload area, then click Upload.
  6. Leave the default selections as is in the Zip Unpack Options dialog, and click Upload.

    Zip Unpack Options

    The CMS uploads and unpacks to the folder.
    If you unpacked the templates into an existing Templates folder, the folder structure may display as Templates/Templates. To improve organization, consider renaming the Templates subfolder or moving the uploaded templates out of the subfolder and then deleting it.
  7. Right-click the Templates folder, then click Check In > Folder and Children to check in all your newly uploaded templates.

Next Steps:

Verify you can access your templates in Fonto. You can do so by completing the following steps:

  1. Navigate to a DITA asset or folder within the CMS, then open the DITA Authoring tab.
  2. In the editor, click Home > NewCreate New Document From Template Button to open the Create a document dialog.
  3. Click Select a template to browse for a template.

    Fonto Templates Dialog

If the Select a template for your document dialog opens the DITA Root folder and not the templates directly, ensure the Templates folder meets the following criteria:
  • The folder is named Templates. This name is case sensitive.
  • The folder resides directly under the DITA Root folder.