The Search.config file acts as a hub for all InSite Search
configurations, including Search Suggest.
This file defines the location of main content index files, which outputs to a single
location on disk. Ingeniux Search Suggest queries the main content index.
To configure Search.config for the main content
Open your DSS solution in Visual
Right-click the solution file (i.e., the top node) in the Solution
Explorer view, and select Rebuild
Navigate to
and open Search.config in a text editor. The example below displays generic code contained within
On the <Search> element, complete the following
Ensure the @indexLocation attribute value points to the
luceneIndex folder, which stores your main
content index.
Set the @indexingEnabled
attribute value to true.
Your code should look similar to the following example:
If an <add> element doesn't already exist for published
CMS content within the <IndexingSources> element, create
one. Complete the following steps in the <add>
Enter an arbitrary, unique name as the value of the
@name attribute for identification purposes.
Enter Ingeniux.Runtime.Search.DssContentSearchSource as the
@type attribute value.
Queries that run against this library type require
that the content published from an Ingeniux CMS be used by an
Ingeniux DSS.
Enter an absolute path to SearchSource.config as
the @settingsFile attribute value.
Verify the validity of the DSS directory filepath
to SearchSource.config. A basic
SearchSource.config file resides in
This file generates on publish of CMS content to the publishing
content's settings folder (e.g.,
Your code should look similar to the following example:
If an <add> element doesn't already exist for search
suggest within the <IndexingSources> element, create one.
Complete the following steps in the <add>element:
Enter an arbitrary, unique name as the value of the
@name attribute for identification purposes.
as the value of the @type attribute.
Enter the filepath to SpellcheckerSource.config
for the value of the @settingsFile attribute.
You can use a relative path to the default Suggest
Search configuration file (i.e.,
App_Data\SpellcheckerSource.config), which
is included during installation.
For example, your search suggest <add> element and
attributes should look similar to the following code: