Configuring the Spellchecker Index
When configured, Spellchecker suggests alternatives for
users who have executed searches. These alternatives are derived from a word list file,
from CMS taxonomy categories, and/or from content index terms.
To set up an independent index for Spellchecker queries:
- Navigate to
and open Search.config in a text editor.
The example below displays generic code contained within Search.config. <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <configSections> <section name="Search" type="Ingeniux.Search.Configuration.IndexingConfiguration, Ingeniux.Search"/> </configSections> <Search indexLocation="App_Data\LuceneIndex" synonymsLocation="[Drive]:\[path to DSS root directory]\published\iss-config\Synonyms.xml" indexingEnabled="true" queryMaxClauses="1024"> <Hiliter startTag="<strong>" endTag="</strong>"/> <Settings> <add name="defaultIndexingAnalyzer" value="Ingeniux.Search.Analyzers.StemmingIndexingAnalyzer, Ingeniux.Search"/> <add name="defaultQueryAnalyzer" value="Ingeniux.Search.Analyzers.StemmingQueryAnalyzer, Ingeniux.Search"/> <add name="QueryFieldsFileLocation" value="[Drive]:\[path to DSS root directory]\[subfolder(s)]\QueryFields.xml"/> <add name="DocumentBoostByFacetsFileLocation" value="App_Data\DocumentBoostByFacetsFileLocation.xml"/> <add name="GSearchFieldMapping" value="[Drive]:\[path to DSS root directory]\[subfolder(s)]\GSearchFieldMapping.xml"/> </Settings> <IndexingSources> <add name="CMSPublishedContent" type="Ingeniux.Runtime.Search.DssContentSearchSource" settingsFile="[Drive]:\[path to DSS root directory]\settings\SearchSource.config"/> <add name="KeyMatch" type="Ingeniux.Search.KeyMatchSearchDocumentSource" settingsFile="App_Data\KeymatchSource.config"/> <add name="SpellCheckDictionary" type="Ingeniux.Search.SpellCheckerSearchDocumentSource" settingsFile="App_Data\spellcheckerSource.config"/> <add name="SiteCrawlerSource" type="Ingeniux.Search.HtmlSiteSource" settingsFile="App_Data\sitecrawlerSource.config"/> <add name="Analytics" type="Ingeniux.Search.AnalyticsSearchDocumentSource" settingsFile="App_Data\analyticSource.config"/> </IndexingSources> <SearchProfiles> <add name="Independent-search-profile-1"> <Sources> <add name="KeyMatch"/> <add name="SpellCheckDictionary"/> <add name="analytics"/> </Sources> </add> </SearchProfiles> </Search> </configuration>
- On the
element, complete the following steps.- Ensure the
attribute value points to the luceneIndex folder, which stores your main content index. - Set the
attribute value to true.
Your code should look similar to the following example: - Ensure the
- If an
element doesn't already exist for search suggest within the<IndexingSources>
element, create one. Complete the following steps in the<add>
element:- Enter an arbitrary, unique name as the value of the
attribute for identification purposes. - Enter
as the value of
. - Enter the filepath to SpellcheckerSource.config
for the value of the
attribute value.NoteYou can use a relative path to the default Suggest Search configuration file (i.e., App_Data\SpellcheckerSource.config), which is included during installation.
For example, your search suggest <add>
element and attributes should look similar to the following code: - Enter an arbitrary, unique name as the value of the
- Save and close Search.config.
- Navigate to SpellcheckerSource.config, and open the file
in a text editor.
The example below displays generic code contained within SpellcheckerSource.config. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <configSections> <section name="Search" type="Ingeniux.Search.Configuration.SpellCheckerSourceConfig, Ingeniux.Search" /> </configSections> <Search indexLocation="App_Data\Spellchecker_Index"> <Settings> <add name="IncludeContentIndexTerms" value="true" /> </Settings> <Dictionaries> <add name="short" value="C:\ancillary-resources\words.txt" /> </Dictionaries> <Taxonomies> <add name="eduTax" value="C:\igxdss\dss-published-content\taxonomytree.xml" /> </Taxonomies> </Search> </configuration>
- Locate the
tag, and enter the filepath to the Spellchecker index files as the value of the@indexLocation
attribute.NoteThe default value is App_Data\Spellchecker_Index.For example, the <Search>
element opening tag should look similar to the following code: - Optional: You can enable the Spellcheck dictionary construction using terms from the main
index. Locate the
element within<Settings>
and set the following attribute values:- Enter IncludeContentIndexTerms in the
attribute. - Enter true in the
element. The default is false.NoteThis option indexes all terms from the main index for the spellchecking index, thus providing the possibility of spellcheck-assisted searches. Depending on the amount of documents and terms in the main content index, enabling this option may increase indexing time. Also, after you configure this option, you must re-index all associated indexes.For example, the <add>
element should look similar to the following code:
- Enter IncludeContentIndexTerms in the
- Locate the
element within the<Dictionaries>
element and set the following attributes:- Enter an arbitrary, unique name in the
attribute. - In the
attribute, enter the filepath to the plain text file of properly spelled wordsFor example, the <add>
element should look similar to the following code:
- Enter an arbitrary, unique name in the
- Locate the
element within the<Taxonomies>
element and set the following attributes:- Enter an arbitrary, unique name in the
attribute. - Enter the filepath to the TaxonomyTree.xml (the
published folder within the DSS folder structure contains this file) in
@value attribute
For example, the <add>
element should look similar to the following code: - Enter an arbitrary, unique name in the
- Save and close SpellcheckerSource.config.
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