Uploading Schemas


See Schema Designer Prerequisites for details.

While there is less chance for error if you create or edit schemas within Schema Designer, schemas can be created or modified manually and then uploaded to the CMS. A more common scenario is to use the schema upload feature to update DEX InSite Search component schemas.

To upload a schema to Ingeniux CMS:
  1. Navigate to Administration > Schema Designer > Management.
  2. Select the tab that corresponds to the type of schema you want to upload (i.e., Page Types, Component Types, or Asset Types tab).

    Upload Schema

  3. Click Upload in the Actions menu. The Upload Schemas dialog displays.

    Upload Schemas Dialog

  4. Choose one of the following steps:
    • Drag the schema file(s) from your system (e.g., File Explorer) to the center of the Upload Schemas dialog.
    • Click Select File to Upload from the dialog. In your system (e.g., File Explorer), open the appropriate schema(s).
    The schema(s) populates the Upload Schemas dialog.
  5. Optional: Choose one or both of the following options.
    • Overwrite existing schemas: If selected, the uploaded schemas overwrite the original ones.
    • Skip draft mode: If selected, the schemas upload as new versions without entering draft mode.
  6. Click Upload.

Task Troubleshooting:

Schemas containing syntactical errors will not upload. In these cases, an error message displays, indicating the location of the error.

Schema Error