DITA Upload Issues


After you click the Upload button in the Zip Unpack Options dialog, the CMS checks the uploaded DITA assets for errors. If errors exist, the package displays in the drop zone with a red exclamation mark.


Uploaded DITA content may contain syntax issues, broken references, or missing dependencies. Ingeniux CMS identifies these issues upon upload, so you can correct them.

Access Error Info

To review information about the upload errors:
  1. If you hover over the package, a message directs you to the Zip Unpack Errors icon, located at the bottom of the drop zone on the right-hand side.

  2. Click the Zip Unpack Errors icon.

    A dialog displays containing detected errors.
  3. Review the error message entries in the dialog. These entries provide information about why the error occurred.
    • Click individual error entries in the list to view stacktrace information. To close this column, click the arrow in the Stacktrace header.
    • Click the Copy to clipboard icon next to the Close button to copy the error information. This sends the list of validation errors to the clipboard in CSV format for use, for instance, in a spreadsheet application.

Common Errors

Common upload errors include:

TypeError MessageDescription
Invalid syntax errorThe 'conbody' start tag on line 8 position 4 does not match the end tag of 'concept'. Line 9, position 3

If this error or a similar one occurs, this indicates the DITA content is invalid due to a syntax issue. This particular error indicates that the <conbody> element is missing an end tag. The issue can cause the Missing asset error to occur.

Users can resolve this particular validation error by adding the missing </conbody> end tag to the appropriate place in the DITA file.

Open your DITA collection in a DITA XML editor to run validation. These checks can help to identify syntax issues and other validation errors.

Missing asset error"Error occurred converting paths to asset ids: Cannot convert path to asset id for dita content [a/ID], cannot find asset with path [path-to-referenced-file-in-zip]

If this error occurs, then a referencing element within the collection points to an invalid path or file, where one of the following issues might apply:

  1. the path to the referenced file is incorrect.
  2. the referenced file is missing from the package.
  3. the referenced file contains a fatal validation error, preventing the file from being referenced by other elements.

Depending on the cause of the issue, users can resolve this particular error by restoring the missing file and ensuring the referencing element points to the correct path. If an overarching validation error is present, then users need to resolve the validation error to resolve the missing asset error.



  1. Resolve the error directly in file uploaded to the CMS.
    In the Error column of the dialog, click the asset ID (e.g., a/24729) where the error occurred.

    This opens the DITA asset in the Overview tab, where you can open the asset in an editor to fix the issue.

  2. If the list of errors is extensive, you might consider backing out of the upload by deleting the package from the Asset Tree, fixing the errors in an external editor, then uploading the package to the Asset Tree again.