Building an MVC Website for DSS

The Ingeniux Dynamic Site Server (DSS) consists of two parts:

The CMS comes with a sample MVC solution that can be used for preview (i.e., Site > Preview tab) and testing. This sample does not include views, which must be developed to support page schemas specific to each CMS implementation. In most cases, new CMS implementations are integrated with custom MVC solutions. If you are new to MVC development, you may find Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC useful as a jumping off point for self-guided training.

When you install the CMS, a default solution is put in place in the DSS_Preview folder in your installation folder. This solution comes with all of the base models and controllers necessary to work with content from the CMS. You will find a Visual C# solution file called Dynamic_Site_Server_Instance. This file is a point of entry for the MVC sample solution.

The following topics and subtopics describe the process of developing an MVC website for deployment to the DSS using the ASP.NET sample site as a starting point:

  1. Opening DSS Preview Project
  2. Adding Views in Visual Studio
  3. Developing MVC Solution by Example
  4. Testing MVC Solution in Preview Tab
  5. Deploying MVC Instance to DSS
  6. Working with the DSS API