Clearing DITA Preview Cache

Prerequisites: At least one map scope entry must have an existing preview cache in the Select DITA Preview Generation Scope dialog.

Users can clear the existing preview cache from DITA map scope options. When users generate a new preview after deleting the cache, the system automatically runs a fresh DITA preview transformation process.

If the Pre-Rendered column displays a checkbox in the Select DITA Preview Generation Scope dialog, then the map scope has an existing preview cache.

See Preview Cache for details about cached DITA previews.

To clear the DITA preview cache:

  1. Navigate to Assets > Assets Tree.
  2. Select a DITA map or topic in the Assets Tree.
    The DITA content displays in the main Assets pane.
  3. Choose one of the following steps.
    • Select the DITA Preview tab.

    • Select the XML tab.

    The Select DITA Preview Generation Scope dialog displays.

    Select DITA Preview Generation Scope Dialog

  4. Choose the DITA content version associated with the preview cache you want to delete in the Dependency Version drop-down list:
    Version Notes: CMS 10.6.378

    The Dependency Version drop-down list is exclusive to CMS 10.6.378. If you have CMS 10.6.308–10.6.342, skip this step.

    In CMS 10.6.378, preview caches are generated based on the map scope's latest version or version marked to a publishing target.

    Latest VersionThe latest content version of the DITA asset.
    This option includes any content or dependency changes that have been saved but have not been checked in to the DITA asset.
    Name of Publishing TargetThe version of the map marked to the publishing target you select from this drop-down list.

    In the drop-down list, the publish icon displays next to publishing target options.

    Also, keep in mind that if the latest version of the DITA asset is marked to a publishing target, the CMS will only account for the latest checked-in changes marked to that publishing target.
    The Dependency Version drop-down list only displays the publishing target selected in the Site Tree or Assets Tree. If you do not see your publishing target in this drop-down list, ensure the target is selected in the tree and then return to this dialog.
  5. Select Clear Preview Cache.
    When you clear the preview cache, the system permanently deletes all cached previews associated with the DITA content version.
  6. Confirm the preview cache deletion in the Clearing Preview Cache dialog.
    The system permanently deletes all cached DITA previews.