DITA Output Management Properties


The asset item must be a DITA map.

Use the Output Management tab to set "fallback" options that prevent unintentional DITA-OT publishes on DITA items during site-wide CMS publishes. This tab only displays for DITA maps in the Assets Manager.

Preselect the output formats and DITAVALs the DITA-OT will use on individual DITA maps when site-wide publishes execute. The next side-wide publish will apply the output management settings defined within this tab to the applicable DITA collection.

Keep the following in mind.
  • The system's default publishing mechanism requires sets of content to be published individually before they can be included in full publishes. If DITA items have never been published, the CMS doesn't process the individual content during publish.

  • When users execute single publishes, this will modify the output management settings for the DITA map. For example, let's say users execute a full publish and choose the HTML5 output format in the DITA publishing dialog that displays. When users later access the Output Management tab settings, the HTML5 output format option displays as selected.

See Output Management Overview for additional details about managing outputs for individual DITA maps. See Publishing Types for details about site-wide publishes.

To manage output formats for DITA post-publish processing settings:
  1. Navigate to Assets > Assets Tree.
  2. Select the DITA map, and select the DITA Properties > Output Management tab.
    Post-publish process settings display for output formats to include in the DITA publishing pipeline from the Output Formats list.
    The system displays available options based on the output formats administrators selected in Administration > DITA > Output Formats.

    DITA Properties > Output Management Tab

  3. Select or clear output formats in the Output Formats list.

    You can select the checkbox directly to the left of the Output Formats list title to select all available output targets.

    The system displays available options based on the output formats administrators selected in Administration > DITA > Output Formats. For top level maps, the system requires the normalized DITA output format to be selected.
  4. Select or clear DITVAL options to include in the output via the DITAVAL Options column.
    Chosen DITAVALs display in the Selected DITAVAL Options column. When the next site-wide publish executes, the DITA-OT publishing pipeline will use these DITAVALs to process the output content.
    Additional Information
    Keep the following in mind.
    • You can select the Search button Search Button

      in the DITAVAL Options column to search for available DITAVALs.

    • You can select the Toggle All DITVAL Options checkbox to select all available DITAVALs for output.
    • You can clear individual DITAVAL options by selecting each DITAVAL's respective remove (X) button in the Selected DITAVAL Options column. Alternatively, click the X Select None button to simultaneously clear all DITAVAL selections.

    • See DITAVAL Management for details about DITAVALs.
  5. If you include DITAVALs, select or clear the Skip output that excludes conditional processing checkbox.

    This option is selected by default. If you select this option, the DITA-OT only generates final outputs with the selected DITAVALs applied for conditional processing. The DITA-OT doe not generate a final output where the DITAVAL is omitted.

    If you clear this option, the DITA-OT generates final outputs with the selected DITAVALs applied for conditional processing, and the DITA-OT also generates a final output where all DITAVALs are omitted from processing.