Pinning Utility Trees to Navigation Pane

The pin and unpin feature allows you to control the behavior of utility trees within the Navigation pane and main pane. You may find it convenient to interact with a particular utility - or even two utilities - and a view, side-by-side. A pinned utility remains open within the Navigation pane while you click other utility icons within the Utility Bar or the main navigation icons.

Utilities default to their "unpinned" behavior unless you explicitly "pin" them.

Keep in mind that the steps below provide one of many scenarios as to how to pinning utilities to the Navigation pane may speed up common tasks.

To pin a utility tree to the Navigation pane:
  1. Click one of the utilities in the Utility Bar (e.g., Taxonomy TreeTaxonomy Tree Icon in Dock). The Taxonomy Tree displays in the Navigation pane, including the thumbtack icon.

    Taxonomy Tree Icon

  2. Click the thumbtack icon at the top of the Navigation pane to pin the utility. A green, thumbtack icon displays beside the Taxonomy Tree in the Utility Bar to indicate its pinned state.

    Unpin Utitlity in Navigation Pane

  3. While the Taxonomy Tree is pinned to the Navigation pane, click the Site Tree icon in the Utility Bar. A second Navigation pane opens to contain the Site Tree.
    The Taxonomy Tree remains open while in its pinned state, so you can, for example, open a second utility.

    Pinned Utility With Second Nav Pane

  4. Select the appropriate page from Site Tree (e.g., Getting Started). The page details display in the main pane.
    In this scenario, the Getting Started schema requires that a taxonomy ID be added to the Path field of the Tax Nav element.
  5. Rather than entering the System Administrators xID in the Tax Nav's Path field, drag the Systems Administrators node from the Taxonomy Tree to the Path field.
    Because the Taxonomy Tree remains pinned, you can follow the same procedure for assigning categories to other pages in the Site Tree.