DITA Alias Icons and Types

The Site Tree pane interface displays alias icons and tagging to identify aliases, their associated DITA content type, their content statuses, and other information.

DITA Aliases in the Site Tree

The DITA content icon displays for each alias item within the Site Tree. DITA items in the Assets Tree also display this icon. Similar to icons for content and asset items, the alias icon changes color (blue) when the DITA content associated with the alias is checked out.

Users can hover over individual aliases in the Site Tree to review the following details:

Data TypeDescription
IdThe ID of the alias item. Each alias ID is composed of the letters da and a forward-slash, followed by a number (e.g., da/07).
Asset NameThe file name of the DITA content associated with the alias.
SchemaThe asset schema of the DITA content associated with the alias.
Assigned ToThe user or group assigned to the DITA content associated with the alias.

Aliased Map Group Elements

If aliased DITA maps contain group domain elements such as <topicgroup>, <topichead>, or <topicset>, the CMS generates aliases for these elements in the Site Tree. Rather than the DITA content icon, the container icon displays next to aliases that represent these elements.

Aliases of DITA map group elements associate with the containing DITA map. The aliases serve only as a visual representation to indicate where these group elements reside within the DITA map structure and how they influence the map hierarchy. Access the aliased DITA map to view and edit these elements.

See the OASIS DITA 1.3 Standard Map Group Elements for specification details.

Document Type Information

Users can display or hide the DITA type tagging for aliases by selecting the Toggle Document Type Information button in the Site Tree.

The Assets Tree also provides this feature for DITA content with or without aliases.

These tags indicate the document type associated with the aliased DITA content. Each tag specifies whether the alias associates with a DITA map, DITA topic, DITAVAL, or other. If the alias associates with a DITA topic, then the tag specifies whether the topic type is a concept, task, reference, or other.

Alias Update Icon

The alias update (arrow) icon displays when the Toggle Document Type Information button is selected. With manual alias updates enabled, the icon indicates when DITA content contains new changes not synced to correlating aliases. When DITA content contains new content or file name changes not synced to aliases, the correlating update icons display a fill color (yellow) in the Site Tree.

Right-click the alias and select the Update Alias Structure context menu action to sync the DITA content change updates.

See Alias and DITA Content Updates for details about manual alias updates.

Alias Search Results

Users can search for aliases in the main CMS search or when they want to search for an alias to add as a link in site pages or components. If users want to filter search results, remember that aliases are included under the site page filter. Alias search entries display with the pin icon.

Alias Search Result Entry