CMS 10.0-10.3 Upgrade Checklist
Before and after upgrading to Ingeniux CMS 10.0–10.3, there are several steps you can take to streamline upgrades and catch potential issues ahead of time.
When upgrading to a new version of the CMS, Ingeniux strongly recommends that a test upgrade be conducted using a copy of your CMS. Test upgrades can ease the transition to the version of the CMS. It is best to conduct a test upgrade on a separate server outside your live environment. This may include a cloned, virtual environment of your existing CMS, or a client computer running IIS.
The following is a list of recommended tests to run on an upgraded CMS site. This list is not exhaustive, and the exact set of tests to run depends on your specific CMS implementation.
If you encounter issues that you cannot resolve, please contact Ingeniux Support via email or at 1.877.299.8900.
Basic Tests
- Log into the CMS.
- Create pages and components within the Site Tree.
- Create (upload) assets within the Assets Tree.
- Check out and check in pages, components, and assets.
- Confirm the ability to mark/ unmark pages, components, and assets.
- Save page, component, and asset changes.
- Ensure that the Preview tab renders pages, properly.
- Review the upgrade report and log files for any errors that may have been thrown during the process.
Advanced and Site-Specific Tests
Asset Tests
Confirm the following for assets:
- All assets have migrated to CMS.
- Assets can be marked/unmarked for publish.
- Asset browser displays Assets Tree and available assets.
- Assets display in preview.
- All asset types can be added to and linked in TinyMCE (i.e., images, documents, and media).
- Assets are uploaded without issue.
- Images and code assets can be edited.
- Version control is applied to assets and assets can be reverted.
- Assets can be categorized (taxonomy).
- Verify asset security for user groups.
- Verify users can access assets in toolbar search.
- Verify assets are displayed in Assignments pane.
- Verify assets can be added, removed, and advanced through workflow.
- Lingual maps can be applied/removed to assets and asset folders.
Workflow Tests
For each workflow within the site, confirm the following:
- A page, component, or asset can completely transition through its entire a workflow.
- All workflow notifications are sent properly.
- Publishes execute within the appropriate steps.
- Check in/check out triggers occur on the appropriate workflow transitions.
- Mark/unmark for publish events occur on the appropriate workflow transitions.
- Verify drop-down menus display users and transition states on advance.
Publishing Tests
In the CMS publishing system, confirm the following:
- Publishing targets can be defined.
- No errors display in publishing logs for any publishing target after full and incremental publishes.
- Publish speeds are adequate. (If performance is slow, consider ceasing scheduled publishes in favor of at-will or workflow publishing.)
Preview Tests
In Preview, confirm the following:
- Ensure In-Context Editing (ICE) is enabled.
- Check ICE in Preview tab.
- Navigate site links within Preview tab.
- Verify that categorized pages display correctly.
- Ensure site navigations function correctly in Preview tab.
- Ensure that the Show All Pages checkbox works correctly (i.e., Verify that pages, components, assets, and navigations work as expected.)
- Preview in Ingeniux CMS 10.x is faster than previous versions. If not, contact Ingeniux Support.
XHTML Editor Tests
In the XHTML editor, confirm the following:
- Toolbar buttons display according to group settings.
- Make sure custom styles load. NoteYou may need to enable "importcss" plugin if you have not done so.
Translation and Localization Tests
In WorldView, confirm the following (if applicable):
- Clone sections can be created successfully.
- Verify language locales can be added in System Options.
- Verify language locales can be applied to pages, components, folders, and assets.
- Appropriate translation workflows are applied to WorldView pages.
Custom Hook Tests
Custom hooks (if applicable):
- Review custom hook usage and ensure that any actions coded into Custom Hooks are still working properly.
In-Context Editing Tests
In-Context Editing (ICE):
- Verify all ICE editable fields can be updated and saved.
Custom Application Tests
In Apps tab and custom tabs, confirm the following:
- Ensure that any items enabled in the Apps pane display properly.
- Ensure that all custom tabs display properly to the correct users.
Automated Task Tests
For automated tasks, confirm the following:
- If automated publishing had been activated due to performance issues, it can be disabled and the CMS instance returned to manual publishing.
- Ensure any other automated tasks work as expected.
Schema Tests
In Schema Designer, confirm the following:
- Verify that there are no invalid schemas or schema errors.
- Verify schema syncing works properly:
- By adding and removing elements.
- By verifying schema versions are updated on sync.
- By verifying embedded components sync.
- By verifying that all pages and selected pages sync.
This section includes: