Marking Pages for Publish

  • Administrators must provide users with publish marking permissions or administrator permissions. See Creating Groups for details.
  • Users must check in the content items they will mark for publish. See Checking In Pages for details.
    The CMS requires users to check in new content items before they can mark the items for publish. This prevents incomplete content items from displaying in navigations. If users attempt to mark a new checked-out page for publish, the CMS generates the following error message:
    Cannot mark a Content Item for publish that has no current version, this is probably because the Item has never been checked in: [xID].

The mark-for-publish action tells the CMS that the changes made to checked-in content items (pages and components) and site folders are ready to be published. This action helps ensure that content items will not prematurely publish. Marked content items associate with individual publishing targets. This functionality benefits sites that employ test environments, as users can test new content in one environment while an older version of the content remains marked for publish to the live environment.

The Site Tree reflects the mark-for-publish status of content items. If a content item is marked for publish, the item's name displays with bold text styling in the Site Tree. If a content item is unmarked for publish, the name displays with plain text styling.

The CMS unmarks new content items from publish by default. When marking a content item for publish, users can choose to mark only the item itself or to mark the item and all its children. These two options ("Page" and "Page and Children") help users to configure site-wide publishing options while making exceptions for individual content items.

For example, if users mark the home page and its children for publish, then this effectively tells the CMS to send the whole site to the publishing folder on the next full publish. After taking this site-wide action, users can then unmark individual pages not ready to for publish.

The Mark/Unmark for Publish UI differs depending on your CMS site version. Follow the steps that correspond with your version.

CMS 10.6 Steps

To mark a content item for publish:
  1. Navigate to Site > Site Tree.
  2. Select the content item or folder you want to mark for publish in the Site Tree.
    The item displays in the Site pane.
  3. Choose one of the following steps.
    • Select the checked-in content item or folder in the Site Tree, and select the Mark/Unmark for Publish button Mark/Unmark for Publish Button in the item's Edit tab toolbar.

      The Mark/Unmark for Publish button drop-down menu displays.

      CMS 10.6 Mark for Publish via Edit Tab Toolbar

    • Right-click the checked-in content item or folder in the Site Tree, and hover your cursor over the Mark/Unmark for Publish option in the context menu.

      The Mark/Unmark for Publish submenu displays.

      CMS 10.6 Mark for Publish via Site Tree Context Menu

  4. Choose one of the following menu options.
    Mark/Unmark for Publish > PageMarks the selected content item for publish.
    For the Site Tree context menu, if the selected content item doesn't have children, then the Mark/Unmark for Publish option displays without the submenu.
    Mark/Unmark for Publish > Page and ChildrenMarks the selected content item and its descendants for publish (children, grandchildren, etc.).
    The Change Content Publish Marking dialog displays.
  5. Select publishing targets in the Publishing Targets column.
    • You can select the Search button Search Button in the Publishing Targets column, and enter keywords in the field that displays to search for available publishing targets.
    • You can select the Toggle on Marking on All Targets to select all available targets for publish markings.

      CMS 10.6 Toggle Marking on All Targets Checkbox

    The selected publishing targets display in the Targets to Mark column, and each selected publishing target associates with a Marked Version field. The system will mark the content items for publish to the targets within this column.

    CMS 10.6 Change Content Publish Marking

  6. Use the Marked Version drop-down list for each respective publishing target to select the content item version you want to apply to those targets.

    If No Change text displays within the field, this indicates no recent changes were made to the content item version marked for the publishing target.

    Do not mark the V.1 iterations for publish. If marked,you may experience schema and linking conflicts during publish.
  7. Select Confirm Publish Marking.

CMS 10.0–10.5

To mark a content item for publish:
  1. Navigate to Site > Site Tree.
  2. Select the content item or folder you want to mark for publish in the Site Tree.
    The item displays in the Site pane.
  3. Choose one of the following steps.
    • Select the content item in the Site Tree, and select the Mark/Unmark for Publish button Mark/Unmark for Publish Button in the item's Edit tab toolbar.

      The Mark/Unmark for Publish button drop-down menu displays.

      CMS 10.0–10.5 Mark for Publish via Edit Tab Toolbar

    • Right-click the content item in the Site Tree, and hover your cursor over the Mark/Unmark for Publish option in the context menu.

      The Mark/Unmark for Publish submenu displays.

      CMS 10.0–10.5 Mark for Publish via Site Tree Context Menu

  4. Choose one of the following menu options.
    Mark/Unmark for Publish > PageMarks the selected content item for publish.
    For the Site Tree context menu, if the selected content item doesn't have children, then the Mark/Unmark for Publish option displays without the submenu.
    Mark/Unmark for Publish > Page and ChildrenMarks the selected content item and its descendants for publish (children, grandchildren, etc.).
    The The Mark/Unmark pages for publish dialog displays.

    CMS 10.0–10.5 Mark/Unmark Pages for Publish

  5. Select the checkboxes in the Marked for Publish column to associate the content items with one or multiple publishing targets.
  6. Select the appropriate version of the content items to apply to your chosen publishing targets in the Version to Publish column.
    Do not mark V.1 iterations for publish. If marked,you may experience schema and linking conflicts during publish.
  7. Select OK.