Adding Aliases via the Drag Action (Utility Trees)

  • Users must have the following group permissions:
    • site content item and asset item authoring permissions.
    • alias management permissions.
  • DITA assets must be checked in to the appropriate publishing target.

Users can add aliases by dragging DITA asset items from the Assets Manager to the Site Tree.

To add an alias structure via the drag action (utility trees):
  1. Navigate to Assets > Assets Tree.
  2. Choose one of the following steps to create the alias structure.
    • Create the alias via the DITA asset in the main pane.
      1. Select the DITA map asset you want for the alias structure root.

        The DITA map displays in the main pane.

      2. Select the Site Tree icon in the utility toolbar.

        The Site Tree utility pane displays.

      3. Hover your cursor over the alias drag handle Alias Drag Handle Icon next to the DITA asset file name in the main pane.

        The move cursor displays along with the following tooltip text:

        Drag under a Page Node on Site Tree to create an Alias for this Asset
      4. Press and drag the alias drag handle to the Site Tree utility pane.

        Create Alias Structure via Dragging Handle

      5. Drag and drop the alias drag handle on the site page, component, or folder that will contain the alias structure.
    • Create the alias via the Assets Tree pane.
      1. Select the Site Tree icon in the utility toolbar, and select the Pin (thumbtack) icon Alias Drag Handle Icon in the Site Tree pane to pin the utility to the Assets Manager interface.
      2. Select the Assets Tree icon in the utility toolbar.

        The Assets Tree displays next to the pinned Site Tree utility pane.

      3. Locate the DITA map asset you want for the alias structure root.
      4. Press and drag the DITA asset from the Assets Tree to the Site Tree utility pane.

        Create Alias Structure via Pinned Utility Tree

      5. Drag and drop the DITA asset on the site page, component, or folder that will contain the alias structure.
      For this drag operation between the Site Tree and Assets Tree, you can alternatively pin the Assets Tree to the Site interface.

      See Pinning Utility Trees to Navigation Pane for details about pinned utility trees.

    A confirmation message displays.
  3. Select Create in the Creating Alias dialog to confirm the alias structure creation.
    The aliases generate under the parent site content item or folder. The aliases mirror the hierarchical structure defined within the DITA map.
    See Alias Icons and Types for details about alias icon and tagging identifiers.

    Alias Structure in Site Tree