Packaging Sites for Migration

Use the Site Migrator utility to package site content for migration. Packages can preserve hierarchical page relationships, presentations, schemas, structured URLS, taxonomy, and lingual mapping.

To package a site for migration:
  1. Navigate to Apps > Site Migrator > Pack.
  2. Enter the xID or name of the site root page to pack in the Pick root pages to be packed field.
    Version Notes: CMS 10.5+ vs. CMS 10.0-10.3

    In CMS 10.5+, you can pack asset folders with or without pages. Site Migrator can pack managed and external assets with their metadata. To pack assets, enter the asset folder name or ID in the Pick root pages to be packed field. This field only accepts site tree content items and asset folders.

    In CMS 10.0-10.3, Site Migrator automatically packages assets referenced within selected pages.

  3. Enter a name for the package Name the package field.

    Site Migrator > Pack

  4. Select or clear the following options:
    Preserve CategorizationWhen selected, includes the pages' taxonomy information (in the form of the taxonomy tree XML file) in the package.
    Package Associated CategoriesWhen selected, packages a site's full taxonomy tree.
    Package Structured URLsWhen structured URLs are enabled, page names-not xIDs-appear in URLs.
    Package Lingual MappingWhen enabled, includes language mapping resources.
    Do Not Package Aliases and Their Content
    Version Notes: CMS 10.6
    This option is only available in CMS 10.6.

    When selected, Site Migrator excludes aliased DITA content in the package.

  5. Before packing the site, it's a good idea to verify package integrity by clicking Check. If the package contains any references to xIDs outside the packaged hierarchy (links, navigation start pages, component references), a list of these xIDs appears in the log area.
  6. Click Pack or Pack and Download.
    Click Pack to package and store the content in the CMS. Click Pack and Download if you want to download the package in addition to creating it. If you opt to not download the package, know you can download or view the package at any time from the Unpack tab.

During the package creation process, Site Migrator generates log entries to track progress. Once the package is successfully created, Site Migrator signals its completion by generating the log entry, Packing completed.

The package contains the following:

The XML file for each page in the package.
Any page presentations and content units associated with the packaged pages.
The XML schemas associated with pages in the package.
The style sheets associated with pages in the package. This includes style sheets for page presentations.
The Site Tree for the packaged pages, which defines the relationships between them.
The taxonomy tree for the packaged pages. Only included when Preserve categorization for pages is enabled.
  • If you want to download the package logs, click Download Logs. If you want to clear the log entries from the Site Migrator console, click Clear Logs.

  • If the package contains missing xIDs, you can still use the package. However, the pages may contain broken references when imported to a new site.
  • When expanding the package, you will have the option to retain the original xIDs of the packaged content items, provided that these xIDs are not already in use by other content items in the CMS.
  • To delete a package, you can do so in the Unpack tab.