DITA Publishing with Workflows

Workflows guide content items and assets through task cycles such as authoring, editing, publication, and revision. Users can apply these workflows to DITA assets.

Benefits include:

  • Streamline DITA authoring and publishing processes.
  • Automate tasks (e.g., check in, publish) with transition actions.
  • Track progress and assignments amongst DITA writers, information architects, etc.

CMS Workflows

Administrators create workflows in Administration > Workflows Designer. See Workflows Designer for details.

Users add and advance DITA assets in workflows via the Assets Manager. See Adding Assets to Workflow for details.

Automate DITA Publishes with Workflows

When building workflows, administrators can apply transition actions to automate check-outs and check-ins, marking assets for publish, and DITA publishing. The Publish workflow transition action incrementally publishes the DITA content. This action executes before the DITA asset transitions to the next workflow state.

When the action executes, the Configure DITA Publishing dialog displays for the user who advanced the DITA asset in workflow. Users configure and confirm the DITA-OT publishing settings in this dialog, and then the system runs the DITA-OT transformation publishing process.

See Adding Transition Actions for details to set workflow transition actions.


If transition actions involve publishing targets, ensure the action will execute on the appropriate publishing target with the DITA post-publish content processor configured.