Publishing Maps from DITA Map Manager

  • Administrators must provide users with publishing permissions or administrator permissions. See Creating Groups for details.

  • Users must check in the asset items they will publish.

  • Users must mark the asset items for publish to the appropriate publishing targets. See Marking Assets for Publish for details.

Use this feature to publish DITA maps under the DITA root folder in the Assets Tree.

To publish a DITA map from DITA Map Manager:
  1. Navigate to Administration > DITA > DITA Map Manager view.
    The main view, which contains an aggregate of all DITA maps under the DITA root folder, displays.
  2. Click the appropriate radio button to the left of each DITA map name to access details associated with each DITA map.
    The DITA Map Details view displays.
  3. In the DITA Map Details toolbar, click Publish button.

    To save space in the UI, on some devices, the check out/in UI controls display in the hamburger menu .
    The Publish dialog displays.
  4. Optional: You can select the Preview Publish - Gather information only checkbox to generate a report of content items that the CMS will publish before you execute the official publish.

    See CMS 10.6 Generating Publish Preview Reports via Site for details.

    Version Notes: CMS 10.6
    The preview publish report feature is exclusive to CMS 10.6. You can only generate preview publish reports for single publishing targets.
  5. Choose one of the following steps.
    • Select the appropriate publishing target in the Publishing Targets tab.

    • Version Notes: CMS 10.5+

      Select the appropriate publishing profile in the Publishing Profiles tab.

      The Publish dialog provides a Publishing Targets tab and Publishing Profiles tab in CMS 10.5+. Use the tabs to select individual targets or profiles for publish.

      CMS 10.5+ Publish Dialog


    Keep the following in mind.

    • Use the Filter field in the respective Publishing Target tab or Publishing Profile tab to search for publishing targets or profiles based on their names.

    • Use CTRL+Click or CTRL+Shift+Click to select more than one target or profile for publish.

  6. Select or clear the Perform Replication checkbox.

    If selected, the CMS executes replication in addition to the publish.

  7. Select one of the following buttons.
    Version Notes: CMS 10.6
    Ensure the Preview Publish - Gather information only is cleared before you proceed with this step. Otherwise, the system generates a preview publish report instead of executing the publish.
    IncrementalPublishes only checked-in asset items that meet the following criteria:
    • The items are marked for publish to the selected publishing targets.
    • The items have modifications since the most recent publish, or the items contain modified dependencies since the most recent publish.
    You can execute an incremental publish for content that is marked but unmodified. See Publishing Types for details.
    FullPublishes all items in the Assets Tree and Site Tree that are checked in and marked for publish, regardless of any changes to the content.
    We recommend running full publishes for large-scale updates and not running full publishes during peak business hours.
    The Configuring DITA Publish dialog displays.
  8. In the leftmost configuration area (Area 1 in the image above), select the DITA map name(s) that will be used as input for DITA-OT processing.
    Keep in mind that, even if the current map has parent maps, administrators usually select just the current map as input for the DITA publishing process, so your output format and DITAVAL file selection applies exclusively to the current map without the need for further "map-by-map" refinement of any of its parent maps. If you only want the current map to move forward in the publish process, select it and exclude all parent maps (i.e, clear their check boxes) from the current publishing operation.

    For those special cases when ancestor maps are present and require some custom combination of output formats and DITAVALs -- or if you would rather publish a parent map(s) and not the current one -- enable all of the appropriate DITA maps in the parent hierarchy.

    As you include and exclude parent DITA maps in the hierarchy view, the dialog hides the configuration area for output formats and for DITAVAL options. You must click on each individual DITA map that you have selected to view its available output formats and DITAVAL options and to make modifications if necessary. In this way, you can always be certain as to which map is under configuration at any given time.
  9. In Area 2, select the output format(s) you want to publish for the selected DITA map.
    If the output format that you want to generate does not display in the list, ensure that the output is selected in Administration > DITA Output Formats to resolve this issue.
    If you have selected more than one map from the DITA map parent hierarchy and you want to apply the same output formats to all of these maps, click Apply formats choices to all maps.
  10. Optional: In the left column of the DITAVAL configuration area (Area 3), select any applicable DITAVAL files that will be applied to the selected DITA map. All selected DITAVAL files display in the right column of the DITAVAL area.

    If you have reference particular DITAVAL files in the DITA map explicitly (i.e., using @ditavalref), then these DITAVAL files will be selected automatically.

    If you have selected more than one map from the parent map hierarchy and you want to apply the same DITAVAL file(s) to all of these maps, click Apply DITAVAL choices to all maps.

    If any DITAVAL files have been selected, the Skip output set that excludes conditional processing option is enabled by default. If the publish proceeded with this option disabled (i.e., cleared checkbox), then the CMS generates rendition where no conditional processing has been applied. This means that if the DITA source bound for publishing contained conditional profiling attributes, then the CMS will render all conditionalized content (and all content that is not conditional) to the publishing target. If you choose to skip this output (i.e., by enabling checkbox), then the rendition that would otherwise contain all conditionalized content will not be output for the current publish.

    While your conditional profiling strategy is very much dependent on the specific needs of your organization, generally speaking, you will not publish out all conditional permutations of content other than for internal, editorial purposes; therefore, you will enable the Skip output set that excludes conditional processing option when the current publishing operation runs with DITAVAL files.

    Of course, if the current DITA source you wish to publish does not contain conditional processing attributes, there is no need to apply DITAVAL files because conditional processing would have no material effect on the rendered content. Therefore, when no DITAVAL files are selected, the CMS dims the Skip output set that excludes conditional processing option and outputs the rendition without conditional-processing.

    You can clear selected DITAVAL files individually or all of them by clicking the Select None button above the list of selected DITAVAL files.
  11. Click Continue.
    The Published Submitted dialog displays.
  12. Optional: Click Monitor Publish in the Published Submitted dialog to follow the publish operation in real time. See Accessing DITA Publish and Preview Logs for details about monitoring your DITA publish.